Sygeforsikringen “danmark” launches helpline for young people

1 September 2023

Sygeforsikring danmark launches helpline for young people

Today, Danish ICMIF member Sygeforsikringen “danmark” has launched a phone helpline for young people called “Ungelinjen” which literally translates as young persons’ line. Ungelinjen is an offer of a free consultation with a psychologist to Sygeforsikringen “denmark”s young members between the ages of 16 and 25. It is a collaboration with the psychology company Encounter, which has strong experience in helping young people move forward and give them tools to deal with the challenges they face.

Life as a young person can offer many challenges as well as opportunities, and the Ungelinjen helpline is an opportunity for them to talk to a psychologist about what they are concerned or worried about. Whether it’s study stress, friendships, love or something completely different, Ungelinjen’s skilled psychologists are ready to help – nothing is too big or small, promises Neela Maria Sris, Founder and General Manager, Encounter.

“As Denmark’s largest association with 2.7 million members, “Denmark” would like to make an effort to strengthen the mental well-being of young people. With Ungelinjen, we want to support early, preventive efforts and give young people the support and tools to get off to a good start in adult life,” says Allan Luplau, CEO of Sygeforsikringen “danmark”.

No matter which member group young members aged 16 to 25 are in at “danmark”, they can now call Ungelinjen and have a free and confidential conversation with a psychologist within just a few days.

Sygeforsikringen “Denmark” provides unchanged reimbursement for psychological treatment by licensed psychologists. The Youth Line does not replace subsidies for psychological treatment, but is a quick and free help for young people in need.

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