La Segunda Seguros offers financial education for rural women in Argentina

27 August 2024

Successful Latin American woman amateur gardener standing near wooden fence in her vegetable garden on sunny spring day

ICMIF member La Segunda Seguros (Argentina) has partnered with Banco Coinag and the Red Mujeres Rurales (Rural Women’s Network) to launch a training programme designed to promote the financial autonomy of rural women entrepreneurs in Argentina.

The training programme is part of the Promotion of Cooperative Entrepreneurship (Impulso de Emprendimientos Cooperativos) programme, which was created by La Segunda Seguros and the Red Mujeres Rurales. The programme was created to address the inequalities for rural women as highlighted by data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), which show rural women suffer greater inequalities: they tend to be the most affected by poverty, as most of them work in the informal sector; they receive lower salaries than men for the same tasks; and they have greater difficulties in accessing land, credit and training.

The Promotion of Cooperative Entrepreneurship first ran from April to November 2023 and was divided into three training cycles. It offered various tools to strengthen the development of cooperative groups, emphasising the importance of equity, participation and solidarity, and provides training in practical business skills, such as project management, leadership, effective communication and conflict resolution.

In September 2024, La Segunda Seguros together with Banco Coinag will offer an online training course aimed at members of the Rural Women Network and the entire community of rural entrepreneurs designed to strengthen the financial knowledge and skills of rural women, promoting economic independence. It will be held on 2 and 4 September 2024, in two virtual meetings of two hours.

Financial autonomy

The course will provides resources and practical tools which can be applied immediately in daily life and in the management of cooperative enterprises.

The meetings will be guided by expert instructors in the financial matters, who will provide relevant information for the rural context: budget management, savings, investment and debt management, for informed and safe decision-making.
In turn, the training focuses on the improvement of economic management, promoting the development of skills to manage economic resources more efficiently, both personally and within their cooperative or organisation.

Professional empowerment

La Segunda Seguros says the training seeks to promote financial autonomy, providing the necessary tools and strengthening the ability to undertake and manage projects independently.

Ana Urreaga, Sustainability and CSR analyst at La Segunda Seguros, said: “Throughout the programme we identified that the main barriers faced by rural women entrepreneurs are related to the administration and management of their enterprises. Financial education and inclusion are fundamental pillars for their daily work, as is the facilitation of access to knowledge about the acquisition of insurance.”

Natalia Stacul, Sustainability Specialist at Banco Coinag, said: “We believe that rural women are fundamental agents to achieve economic, environmental and social changes that contribute to sustainable development. It is an opportunity for the growth of this community, facilitating access to resources, promoting gender equality and sustainable finance.”

Community impact & support network

Those who participate in the training will become part of a network of rural women with common interests and objectives, facilitating the exchange of experiences and mutual support. At the same time, they will be able to have knowledge of insurance products specifically designed for the needs of rural women (health, agricultural, life insurance, etc.).
Finally, La Segunda highlights the positive impact that training has on communities as the application of the knowledge acquired, will contribute to local economic development, promoting sustainable and responsible financial practices.


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