Blog articles

Read inspirational blog articles from the mutual and cooperative sector.

Why leading a mutual company is different

When it comes to leadership, the business model and objectives of a company play an important role in determining the most appropriate leadership style for the organization. For example, leadership in a mutual company is inherently different to that of a company with shareholders and thus requires a unique approach.   In the shareholder model, […]

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China: The new mutual frontier

China, one of the largest and the fastest growing of the insurance markets, grew by 188% in the last seven years, by catering mostly for the needs of its middle class and High Net Worth (HNW) individuals. But what about the needs of the county’s billion-plus other citizens? Well, following my recent trip to Beijing […]

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What a year that was!! And now for some well-earned rest!

As we get closer to the end of the year and, for many, a Christmas break, our minds naturally turn to reviewing our achievements during the year, reflecting on the successes, the challenges and for the more enlightened the not so successful parts.  We at ICMIF are no different and collectively we will reflect as […]

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Insurers are significantly engaged in the climate debate

The Climate Change Summit (COP21) in Paris has indeed been a landmark event for the insurance sector, for the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF) and our members. Not only were the several initiatives I will share with you below received with great enthusiasm by those present but we were also able to announce […]

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Survival of the fittest at the B20

Attending the B20/G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey last weekend was a fantastic experience in more ways than one. I was there with a delegation of cooperative and mutual leaders following our work with the B20 Taskforce for Financing Growth which we have been involved with since 2014. This was the first time that B20 taskforce […]

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Mutual insurers and non-traditional capital: Time for a change of perspective

Only a few years ago, mutual insurers could understandably have viewed the influx of non-traditional capital trickling into the reinsurance market as irrelevant. Mutual insurers rightly pride themselves on the unrivalled service they provide to their members, offering products tailored to meet their specific needs and developing intimate and long-term relationships with their constituency. This […]

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A risk-based response to climate change: The business case and the political case

Time for “climate change sceptics” is running out. Just like the ice caps, uncertainty about the business case for building an insurance industry that meets environmental demands, is melting fast. Within just a few days early in June, the political world indicated its commitment to move the fossil fuel debate from the sidelines to centre […]

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