Blog articles

Read inspirational blog articles from the mutual and cooperative sector.

Doing what matters!

In a rapidly changing world that is ever more complex, on a planet that is getting warmer, and at a time when we have to focus on performance and people in equal measure, the status quo is no longer an option. Earlier this year, Geneviève Fortier, CEO of Canadian ICMIF member Promutuel Insurance, explained during […]

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Possibilities and pitfalls for Artificial Intelligence for HR leaders

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all over the news and the AI market is expected to grow to USD 15 trillion by 2030 – that’s three times the size of the mobile market. Contrary to what many people think, AI is not only for tech companies; it is getting into all types and sizes of businesses. […]

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Does gender diversity on the board lead to stronger financial performance?

ICMIF member companies with over 30% women on their boards outperformed the total ICMIF membership in terms of 5-year and 10-year premium growth. This was the key finding when ICMIF compared the latest financial performance of its membership through its research on the gender diversity of its members’ boards of directors. Ahead of International Women’s […]

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Emerging trends: systematic approaches for identification and assessment

“Insurers and reinsurers face a tremendous amount of change and uncertainty, and that uncertainty only continues to grow in speed and complexity. Given this context, it is more important than ever for organisations to anticipate emerging trends and the risks that they pose to strategy,” writes Lorie Graham, Senior Vice President and Chief Risk Officer […]

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Climate change: How to shift from disaster recovery to prevention, resilience and risk reduction

“The year 2022 witnessed the category 4 storm Hurricane Ian devastate southwest Florida in the United States, while unprecedented flooding displaced 33 million Pakistanis and extreme heat melted train tracks and airport runways in the United Kingdom. Such extreme weather events challenge societal tendencies to deal with the aftermath of storms, floods, heatwaves and wildfires […]

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Modern mutuality: We’re all in it together

At the start of the year, our CEO Shaun Tarbuck shared his blog Delivering on purpose, outlining the action ICMIF has taken to support its members, focusing on their resilience; sustainable investment; and ESG/SDG journeys. He also looked ahead to how our 2023 working groups and roundtables will culminate in an ICMIF Sustainability Summit in […]

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Delivering on purpose

At the beginning of 2022, I wrote a blog entitled The future is filled with purpose and the concluding paragraph stated “Let 2022 be not just about our centenary but also about the next century and the increasingly important role mutual insurers will play”. It was definitely a challenge laid down to the mutual and […]

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How ICMIF member Cornish Mutual is changing but staying true to its roots

“Insurance is changing but Cornish Mutual is not following the crowd. Instead, we will be leading our board in a different direction, with farming at the centre of our plans,” writes Peter Beaumont, Managing Director of ICMIF member Cornish Mutual (UK). We are pleased to share this guest blog from Peter, which is reproduced here […]

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Reflections from COP27: Why this is important to Folksam and its customers

“At COP27, insurance and financing issues have taken a central role. Much of the meeting has been about how to build an international fund to compensate countries affected by climate-related damage: a form of insurance. Many are also turning to pension and insurance companies to discuss how to finance transition and climate adaptation in municipalities, […]

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Climate change is the world’s number one risk – here’s a way forward

We are pleased to share this guest blog from Jan Kellett, Team Leader, Insurance and Risk Finance Facility at ICMIF partner organisation the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP). The article was written at the beginning of COP 27 which took place in Egypt from 6 to 18 November 2022. The article is reproduced here for […]

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