Blog articles

Read inspirational blog articles from the mutual and cooperative sector.

Investing in businesses that want to make society a better place

We launched the Achmea Innovation Fund (AIF) in October one year ago. The idea behind the fund is to invest in businesses that aim to have a positive impact on society. A birthday calls for cake (and I’m not going to deny myself that pleasure), but the real treat is on my desk – a pile of business plans that has been growing rapidly over the past year.  These documents are full of technological innovations and new business […]

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Doing what’s right

This guest blog was written by Teddy Nyahasha, Chief Executive at ICMIF member OneFamily (UK). Teddy speaks of a shift in people’s attitudes back to mutual core values that he and others working in mutuals are seeing. Teddy believes there is definitely a swing towards being kind to others and that acting responsibly, behaving inclusively and […]

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Impact investing and the business case for sustainability

This guest article from Chad Park, Vice President of Sustainability & Citizenship, The Co-operators (Canada) was originally published on the Canadian content hub Innovating Canada.  In the article, Chad talks about efforts to integrate and embed sustainability into everyday business at The Co-operators which is informed by the cooperative’s long-term vision. One of the ways […]

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How unlocking private investment can shape a climate smart and sustainable future

Our latest guest blog was written by Lauren Carter, Climate Finance Specialist, United National Development Programme (UNDP, Geneva) and Sandrine Boukerche, Co-Lead Invest4Climate, World Bank and was published by the UNDP on its website in September 2020. Recognising that the cooperative/mutual insurance sector is critical to the delivery of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals […]

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Talent, performance and development are key to retaining talent at Achmea

This guest blog from Elly Ploumen, Group HR Director at Achmea is based on an interview published in the magazine Visie – this time with a focus on HR – from Dutch insurance organisation VNAB.  In the blog, Elly explains how Achmea let go of the organisation’s familiar assessment and reward structure and how talent, […]

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Culture creates diversity

In the article below, written for a Danish financial news website POV – POINT of VIEW International, Anne Mette Toftegaard, CEO of ICMIF member LB Forsikring (Denmark), discusses diversity at her organisation and suggests that instead of seeing diversity as a hindrance, it should be seen as a huge opportunity. At LB Forsikring over half […]

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Insurance’s Machine Intelligence challenge and what to do about it

We are pleased to share this latest guest blog from ICMIF Supporting Member organisation Swiss Re with comments from Dr. Jeffrey Bohn, Managing Director, and Chief Research & Innovation Officer at the Swiss Re Institute. The original article accompanied the publication of the latest sigma report “Machine Intelligence in insurance: insights for end-to-end enterprise”. The […]

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The SNACK Journey: Driving people-centric innovation

We are pleased to share this latest guest blog from Max Tiong Oon Choon, Head of Innovation at ICMIF member organisation NTUC Income (Income) in Singapore. The article was originally written by Max and shared on his LinkedIn page and it is reproduced here for the benefit of ICMIF members as a great example of […]

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The move from shareholder value to stakeholder values

What is going to be the “new normal” post covid-19 for society and business? Many commentators such as McKinsey are saying there needs to be a shift from economies being driven by shareholder value to being driven by a much wider stakeholder value. The term “triple bottom line” (profit, people and planet) is coming back […]

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The business response to COVID-19 and building back better

The partnership between the Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) and ICMIF is one founded on shared values and shared purpose and we hope to encourage more of our member organisations to become involved in the work of the A4S as it expands on a global basis. The role for the finance community in achieving […]

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