Case study

Transitioning to net zero – what have ICMIF members already committed to?

In 2015, the world made a united commitment at COP21 to reduce the effects of climate change. Indeed, the Paris Climate Agreement has been a topic at many a board meeting since then and many organisation are moving this from a ‘discussion point on the agenda’ to a strategic imperative. Fortunately, ICMIF members are already far ahead of the broader insurance industry and practising their mutuality by prioritising the move to net-zero.

Originally posted in September 2021, but updated throughout 2022 and 2023, below are some examples of ICMIF members’ commitments and actions to move themselves towards becoming carbon neutral organisations. Members are declaring their targets and changing their investment portfolios and lending practices accordingly. It can be said that mutual and cooperative insurers have a vital and integral role to play in the road to net-zero – due to the control and influence on both sides of the balance sheet.

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