Latest news from the sector

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SEWA is working to alleviate devastating impact of COVID 19 on informal and migrant workers in India

In India, SEWA (Self Employed Women Association) reports that the Coronavirus pandemic is having devastating effects on the lower income population and, in particular, migrant workers. Mirai Chatterjee, Board Member at ICMIF member, VimoSEWA (the insurance arm of SEWA) says: “The impact on informal and migrant workers has been devastating. Migrants who have no food and no money are […]

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The DHAN Foundation reaches out to low income communities in India to provide support during Coronavirus pandemic

When considering the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in India local ICMIF member The DHAN Foundation observed two major impacts in Indian society. One was on health of the individuals that were affected by the COVID-19 virus and the other was the impact on the livelihoods of poor and marginal workers, mostly daily wage earners and small/micro […]

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CLIMBS steps up efforts to support members, employees and general public in the Philippines during COVID19 pandemic

ICMIF member CLIMBS (Philippines) has initiated a number of actions to support its members, employees and the general public during the COVID 19 pandemic. CLIMBS CARES (Community Action Response and Emergency Services) was launched to assist communities in the distribution of potable drinking water and sanitation purposes, including a hotline for its cooperative members and the general public. […]

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Achmea enables employees with healthcare qualifications to assist in Netherlands Coronavirus relief

In late March, ICMIF member Achmea (Netherlands) announced that it would grant voluntary and paid leave to employees of the cooperative insurer who had previously worked in the healthcare sector to allow them to support the Dutch healthcare system during the Coronavirus pandemic. Achmea employees that are registered with the Dutch healthcare professionals register (BIG-register) – or […]

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Wawanesa Insurance donates CAD 100,000 to food banks in Canada and USA

Helping people and communities through the COVID-19 Pandemic In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian ICMIF member The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company (Wawanesa Insurance) announced a CAD 100,000 donation to food banks in Canada and the United States. “As we continue to experience the broad impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across our communities, we’ve learned of the […]

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IFFCO donates USD 3.2 million to India’s PM CARES Fund and mobilises community action in rural areas to fight against COVID-19

ICMIF member Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) announced that it has donated INR 25 Crores (USD 3.2 million) to the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund). The fund will be used for combating, containment and relief efforts against the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in India. Prime Minister Narendra […]

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Swedish mutuals Folksam and Länsförsäkringar make further investments in social bonds to support the fight against coronavirus

Last week, Swedish ICMIF members Länsförsäkringar and Folksam announced that they both made additional investments in social bonds to counteract the social and economic effects of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. This follows a combined investment of SEK 1 billion (USD 100 million) from the two insurers last month in a social bond issued by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of […]

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Desjardins General Insurance Group announces a discount for motor insurance clients who are driving significantly less due to COVID-19

In an effort to continue to support its members and clients, ICMIF member Desjardins General Insurance Group (Canada) is offering discounts on auto insurance premiums for personal and business clients who are staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly everyone is driving their vehicles less, and Desjardins General Insurance says it wants to acknowledge this fact. […]

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Best’s Market Segment Report: AM Best maintains global reinsurance outlook at stable despite COVID-19 volatility

ICMIF Supporting Member AM Best is maintaining its market segment outlook for the global reinsurance industry at stable despite the volatility and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 virus outbreak. According to the new Best’s Market Segment Report, titled Market Segment Outlook: Global Reinsurance, global reinsurers remain well-capitalized and the industry remains resilient, with a long history of innovative and prudent risk […]

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A measured approach to the 1.4 renewals: Willis Re 1st View

According to the latest 1st View renewals report from ICMIF Supporting Member Willis Re, reinsurers took a measured approach to the April renewals, which saw significant rate increases on loss-affected accounts and more modest rises on loss-free business. The report’s findings indicate that the global reinsurance sector smoothly moved to the new working-from-home model following the COVID-19 outbreak […]

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