Latest news from the sector

Read and share inspirational stories collected from across the ICMIF membership.

EMC Insurance partners with FRISS to reduce fraud and improve customer experience

Last week US ICMIF member EMC Insurance Companies, a national property and casualty insurer, and FRISS, a leading provider of insurance fraud detection solutions worldwide, announced a partnership. “We’re thrilled to be working together with EMC to reduce insurance fraud and further increase profitability,” said Jeroen Morrenhof, FRISS CEO and Co-founder. “We believe insurance is a beautiful […]

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Achmea is once again in the top three of the Dutch Fair Insurance Guide

This week Dutch ICMIF member Achmea announced that it is in the top three of the most socially engaged Dutch insurers according to the Fair Insurance Guide (De Eerlijke Verzekeringswijzer). The announcement was made on Thursday 23 January 2020 following the Fair Insurance Guide’s annual survey of the investment policies of the nine largest insurance groups in […]

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La Mobilière establishes digital add-on insurance company in Dublin

The Swiss insurance company and ICMIF member la Mobilière is setting up an insurtech company headquartered in Dublin. This move is intended to expand its presence into digital add-on insurance across EU markets. That will enable the cooperative la Mobilière to test out a new business model ahead of time, with a view to sustaining its development […]

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Season of goodwill continues into the New Year as Ecclesiastical supports local charities as part of its Movement for Good

UK-based ICMIF member Ecclesiastical has set itself a target of donating £100 million to good causes and the organisation says it is on track to hit this target by the end of 2020. In August 2019, the firm revealed that it had already donated £75 million of its £100 million target to good causes since 2016 and […]

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Best’s Special Report: Latin American insurance markets could see boost should economic and political risks subside in 2020

According to a new Best’s Special Report from ICMIF Supporting Member AM Best titled, Latin America: Economic and Political Risks May Subside in 2020, the rating agency expects Latin America’s economies to rebound somewhat in 2020, which would help the insurance markets in these countries better realise their growth potential. In the new report, AM Best notes that […]

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ICMIF members and other mutual institutions in the Philippines rally to help those affected by Taal volcano

The Taal volcano is one of the Philippines’ most active volcano and recently, it has been spewing lava, triggering earthquakes and sending out large quantities of ash that have spread across the island of Luzon and beyond. Fears remain that a bigger and hazardous eruption could be imminent. The CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions or CARD […]

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Royal London has signed up to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) as part of its commitment to being a responsible investor

UK ICMIF member Royal London says the new commitment to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is part of the mutual provider’s responsible investment commitment as an asset owner to generate good returns while also making a positive contribution to society and the environment. The six Principles for Responsible Investment are a voluntary and aspirational set of investment principles that offer […]

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MAS has won the Consumer NZ People’s Choice Award for fourth year in a row

In December last year, New Zealand ICMIF member MAS announced that for the fourth year in a row, the organisation had won the Consumer NZ People’s Choice Award for four insurance categories – house, contents, car and life insurance. MAS won the People’s Choice Award in these four categories in 2016, 2017 and 2018. In […]

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San Cristóbal Seguros 2019 annual broker training programme focuses on digital transformation

In December last year, the latest annual cycle of Continuous Training for Insurance Brokers working for Argentinian ICMIF member San Cristóbal Seguros came to an end. This training programme has taken place every year for the last 21 years. A training and loyalty day for the company’s brokers (known in Spanish as “Productores Asesores de Seguros” or […]

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The Co-operators to transition to the cloud to increase business agility and deliver more value to policyholders

ICMIF member The Co-operators announced that it will transition to the cloud, enabling the Canadian cooperative to simplify its IT operations, adapt more quickly to changing market demands, and deliver more value to policyholders. The Co-operators has chosen Guidewire InsuranceSuite™ Cloud to power its core operations. A Guidewire customer since 2007, The Co-operators originally implemented […]

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