ICMIF member Folksam has been ranked the best in the finance and insurance industry when it comes to equal working conditions according to the Nyckeltalsinstitutet AB (Key Figures Institute) Gender Equality Index, known as Jämix, which was recently published. According to the Jämix survey, Folksam is well above the industry average in total.
Every year, the Key Figures Institute presents the employers that have the best working conditions in their industry, in terms of, among other things, gender equality. This year, Folksam is once again at the top among employers in the finance and insurance industry, in fact, Folksam is well above the industry average in total.
The survey is based on collected statistics from 2021 on the actual working conditions of more than 650,000 employees in approximately 300 companies and organisations. The index for gender equality is based on various factors about equal working conditions for men and women, such as salary, management team, parenthood, part-time and fixed-term employment.
“That Folksam once again receives this appointment is really gratifying, it shows that the work we put into gender equality makes a difference and gives results,” says Pernilla Glad, Head of People and Environments.
“We have worked with gender equality for many years and the Jämix survey is an important tool for following up our work. Since we started participating in the survey in 2015, we have seen a clear trend, our results have been very good and stable. This year, it is particularly gratifying that the difference between women and men when it comes to long-term sick leave has decreased and that things are going in the right direction,” Glad concluded.
Examples of how Folksam works long-term towards gender equality:
- Active work to achieve an equal management team and an equal distribution between women and men in management.
- Focus on the imbalance between women and men regarding taking parental leave.
- Comprehensive annual salary survey.
The Key Figures Institute has previously been able to state that organisations with high gender equality, according to the measures in Jämix, have lower short-term sick leave for both men and women than organisations with poorer gender equality. They also state that organisations with good levels of gender equality tend to have higher health rates. It seems that organisations with better gender equality have a better working environment to a greater extent than a less gender equal organisation has.