Ömsen contributes to more sustainable society with installation of car charging stations at its office

28 June 2024

Omsen has built charging stations outside office - June 2024

ICMIF member Ömsen (Finland) has built four new charging stations outside the company office that can charge up to eight electric cars at the same time. Ömsen says the chargers are in use just in time for the summer tourist season.

The charging posts have been installed just outside Ömsen’s office and there is room for eight electric cars to charge their batteries. The charging posts have been installed to Ömsen’s electricity grid and payment is made either through a mobile app or via the internet.

The charging stations are located on the city’s land, but it is Ömsen that was responsible for the construction and connection of the charging stations.

“The main reason why we are involved in new charging stations is that we want to contribute to a more sustainable society. We want to make it easier for more people to buy an electric car and know that there are charging stations centrally. But also to welcome more tourists to Åland and Mariehamn. We know that charging can be a crowded sector during the tourist season and many of our owner-customers are dependent on the tourism industry,” says Thomas Lundberg, President and CEO of Ömsen.

“As far as we know, our collaboration with the city of Mariehamn is the first of its kind where Ömsen is erecting the chargers while the city is responsible for the ground surface. The city has been very accommodating and we now hope that more companies will follow our example so that even more people, both [local] Ålanders and tourists, can charge their electric cars in central Mariehamn,” says Thomas Lundberg.

Ömsen has previously been involved in creating more opportunities for charging electric cars. Before the Covid pandemic, two stations were established with Ömsen’s help, among others, at two grocery stores in Åland. At that time, these were private initiatives, working with Ålands Elandelslag, a cooperative electricity company in Åland that delivers cost-effective, environmentally friendly electricity and energy solutions.

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