Seguros Unimed signs up to the Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption in Brazil

16 July 2020


Ethics constitute a fundamental pillar in the management of our organisation, says Brazilian ICMIF member Seguros Unimed. The cooperative insurer has just signed up to the Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption which was launched by the Instituto Ethos (Ethos Institute). The Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility is what is known as a Civil Society Organisation of Public Interest in Brazil and its mission is to mobilise, raise awareness and help companies manage their business in a socially responsible manner, making them partners in building a fair, equitable and sustainable society.

Seguros Unimed, the insurance arm of the Unimed Group of medical cooperatives, present in the Brazilian market for over 30 years, announced its support for the Ethos Institute‘s Corporate Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption in June 2020. By doing so, the cooperative insurer reaffirmed that ethics underpins the way it approaches the health and financial protection of its customers – both individuals and institutions – throughout Brazil.

Those companies – both private and public – that sign up  to the Pact commit to promoting a more honest and ethical market; combating all forms of corruption; disclosing the Brazilian anti-corruption legislation to their employees and stakeholders;  prohibiting any form of bribery; and ensuring transparency of information and collaboration in investigations, when necessary.

“Companies that are committed to ethics and integrity deliver better and more sustainable results and have more transparent relationships. At Seguros Unimed, these pillars are part of the corporate values ​​and guide our strategy to do business and generate lasting relationships throughout the country”, said Helton Freitas, CEO of Seguros Unimed, and member of the ICMIF/Americas board of directors.

Ethics and integrity in organisational culture

Joining the Ethos Institute’s Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption constitutes another step forward in Seguros Unimed’s Integrity Programme, which ensures that the company is a safe and reliable business environment. The programme was reformulated and aligned with the organisation’s strategic objectives in 2019. Among the actions carried out, the revision of the Code of Ethical Conduct and the update of the Insurer’s internal mechanisms and practices, such as the Guidelines and Complaints Channel, are highlights for the organisation.

All employees and members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board at Seguros Unimed are invited to participate in this process of continuous improvement as ethical principles are part of the organisation’s culture.

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