Virtual roundtables for strategy leaders - Strategy transformation


As part of its virtual member services offering, ICMIF regularly hosts virtual roundtable discussions for CEO, C-Suite and strategic leaders at member companies. Based on the success of these looking at the topic of the mutual difference, ICMIF began hosting a new series of virtual roundtables on strategy transformation in 2023.

These roundtables look at how mutual/cooperative insurers within the ICMIF membership approach strategic planning and business transformation. Some of the themes that will be discussed during these sessions include:

  • Approaches to developing a corporate strategy.
  • Processes to strategic planning, including the integration of future scenario planning.
  • The pillars/foundations that anchor strategic transformation and how the mutual/cooperative model fits within this.
  • Identifying the capability and prioritising the resources needed to meet strategic goals.
  • Communicating and engaging key stakeholders to support successful transformation.

The last roundtable session for 2024 will take place on 17 September 2024 across different time slots (exact timings will be confirmed shortly).

These virtual roundtables are aimed at C-suite executives, heads of strategy and strategic leaders, but are also open to any CEO or senior leader from ICMIF member organisations.

Places will be limited so we recommend that if you and/or a colleague are interested in participating please register here.

Each roundtable will last two hours and will be hosted on a virtual platform. We hope to host a number of these strategic roundtables, so that the number of member companies involved in each roundtable will be limited to ensure maximum value for each participant and diversity in each discussion. For this reason, a maximum of two participants from each member company will be able to join each of the various discussions.

More details on the topic and structure of the discussions of these virtual roundtables will be shared with those who have registered. Technical arrangements for joining each session will also be confirmed in due course.

For more information or to register, please contact [email protected].

More information

For more information or to register, please contact [email protected].

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