Parametric solutions complement traditional insurance and although they have been around since the early 2000s, it is only recently that they are gaining importance, and we are starting to see the real impact they can have.
This webinar presents some solutions and challenges of mutual parametric insurance and consider its future – how can mutual insurers use it?
The African Risk Capacity (ARC) share its perspective on parametric insurance, and we also hear about Weather Protect Insurance in the Philippines – a parametric insurance product using blockchain technology that protects farming cooperatives from the effects of natural disasters thanks to a successful collaboration involving two ICMIF members, CLIMBS (Philippines) and IBISA (Luxembourg).
- Lesley Ndlovu, CEO, African Risk Capacity Ltd (South Africa)
- Noel Raboy, President and CEO, CLIMBS (Philippines)
- Dorien Asampana, Project Manager, IBISA (Luxembourg)