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Video presentation

Innovation, people and leadership

ICMIF Biennial Conference 2019 presentation

As the world changes ever faster, so it becomes increasingly difficult for organisations and their leaders to predict the future and plan. It is change, however, that lies at the heart of success for Ian Taylor, and the global company that he founded in 1989, Animation Research Ltd.

Ian Taylor has been described as an ”exemplar of innovation in New Zealand”. The entrepreneur was awarded the 2019 New Zealand Innovator of the Year at the annual New Zealander of the Year Awards, which recognises inspiring Kiwis whose game-changing discoveries, research or inventions are driving society forward.

Ian challenges organisations and business leaders to think differently and even ask questions about what historians have recorded as facts. What are the stories we tell ourselves about our commercial and social environment? Do they serve us or hold us back? Are you ready to ask yourself how much trust you really put in the people around you?

If you believe enough in the purpose and social benefit of a project, that can help in its ultimate commercial success. But, are you are daring to dream big enough?

As his business enters its 30th year, Ian and his organisation still believe in doing things differently. He has continually pushed the boundaries of innovation; never written a business plan; and has a strong belief in the importance of innovation and technology with a social purpose. He also believes that the speed of change is real, and that only when we know our past, can we look more clearly to the future and have a different world view.

Ian Taylor, Founder, Animation Research Limited (New Zealand)

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